Nickname :Eririn, Kame-chan
Born :December 23, 1988 in Tokyo, Japan
Profession : Japanese Singer

The Morning Musume Love Audition 2002 select Eri Kamei to join Morning Musume as a sixth generation membe.
Her first album was Ai no Dai 6 Kan.
Towards late 2004, Kamei is thought to have opened up after receiving her own segment on the Japanese variety show Hello! Morning, where she had been a regular since her debut. In the segment, known as "Eric Kamezo no Maido Arii!" she, along with her co-host Yuko Nakazawa, and most often several guests promote the latest products from the Hello! Project. Her segment was removed from the show in the winter of 2005, but she still stars in the rest of the show as a regular.
Kamei appeared in the 2004 Hello! Project shuffle units unit H.P. All Stars.
She was also involved in Morning Musume Sakuragumi when Morning Musume was split into two groups.
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