Get ready for some cuteness overload in the form of KRQ Hwang Mi Hee (황미희)!
10 smoking video clips! Make sure you watch all of them!
How on earth can you keep your camera hand steady when she does all those cute poses to you!?! Cuteness overload with those moves! Don't forget to check out AsianPoses for the description of the poses.
Love her double '7' pose! She can kill with her wink alone!
Oops! She accidentally flashes more than she should. Too bad all of them KRQs wear tights. Awww!
She can be quite a talker as well as a joker. First time I'm hearing the proper way to pronounce her name, thanks to her cute intro.
Love the way when she introduces Yook Ji Hye (육지혜) and both of them go "WOW!"
She seems to be like a big sister to her colleagues. Nicely done HMH!
Translation please, anyone?
Looking so lovely in SAS 2009!
A billiard player as well as having awesome slim arms with some decent muscles to go with it!
Shooting the breeze with a race driver.
More talking from her... Translation please, anyone?
More talking! Gosh, she can really talk! ;)
Giving some tips to a youngster. Seems like all KRQs need to know how to play a decent game of billiard/snooker/pool.
Will appreciate if some Korean experts can give us some translation of some of the videos please! Thank You!!!
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