Time to start one!
Current Rankings are of course based on yours truly Mattias; and to spice things up a little bit; a small prize to be won!
The winner will be invited to join the Donors Club!
The winner is determined by the person who can most correctly guess the top 10 Korean Models current rankings by me. (need not be in correct order)
If there is a tie between more than one contestant, the earliest contestant who submitted the answers will be deem the winner.

Submit your 10 choices to this post as comments. Please submit your valid email address (as the username) and the 10 Korean models' names, you think will be in the top ten ranking. (I know this will infringe privacy policies, but well...)
In all fairness, please just submit once.
Entries closing time is 11th December 2009, 11:59 PM (GMT +8).
The Winner will be notified through the email address given, after the countdown of the Top 50 Korean Models is done.
Sidenote: If you are donor/friend/supporter already, the prize is this: You get to choose the model for the next Large Digital Painting to be done on. (after the "ass" painting of course!) The model can be Korean or Japanese gravure; it's up to you.

Hint: The top 10 Korean Models can be all found at IdolRetouch. Good luck!
If you have problems posting comments, just email me the choices and I will post it for you.
I will submit the first entry as an example.
EDIT: Submissions closed!!!
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